1996 PH.D in Agriculture, Wye College, London University, UK
Concentrating in the areas of coconut physiology and tissue culture
Dissertation on the Environmental Effect on Growth of Coconuts in Zanzibar
1989 M.PHIL in Agriculture, School of Biological Science, Murdoch University, Australia
Concentrating in the areas of rice crop improvement, tissue culture and plant nutrition
Thesis on the Somaclonal Variation in Rice
1980 B.SC in Agriculture, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania
Concentrating in the areas of crop science, rural economy, animal science and extension
June 2020-Present Manager, Msonge Organic Family Farm
- Actively engaged in the production of organic fruits and vegetables and supporting producer links to the market
- Providing guidance in the provision of practical training in design and running farms in a sustainable way at the Practical Permaculture Institute, Zanzibar (PPIZ)
1997-Present Promotion & Facilitation of Development of Organic Agriculture, Tanzania
Organic agriculture is increasingly becoming an important farming system and draws the concern of various stakeholders both locally and globally. The production, processing and marketing of organic products are having an increasing impact on the social and economic livelihoods of many smallholder farmers and traders in the country.
- Member of the International Taskforce on Harmonization and Equivalence in Organic Agriculture (Established by FAO, IFOAM and UNCTAD) helping to develop an East African Organic Standard for the harmonization of organic trade in East Africa and to also build strength in negotiation on organic trade with the European Commission, USA and other developed nations (2001-present)
- Chair of the Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement as an umbrella organisation that has been mandated to coordinate organic development in Tanzania (2003-present)
- Member of the Board of the International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), based in Denmark (2008-2011)
- World Board Member of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM) (2005-2008)
- Training of junior and senior organic inspectors
- Participated in a round table discussion on Organic and Food Security in Africa (Sub-Saharan), FAO Rome (May 2007)
- Participated in the formulation of the Agricultural Sector Development Programme for Mainland Tanzania (2004-2006)
2004-2020 Senior IFAD Country Programme Officer, Tanzania
- Interacted as a focal point for programmes in development related matters between IFAD, FAO, UN Agencies, multilateral and bilateral donors and government
- In collaboration with respective government institutions, participated in the preparation of agricultural development policies, joint/collaborative programmes and strategies in accordance with IFAD policies
- Undertook periodic field visits to collect information and monitor implementation of project activities
- Participated in project reviews and evaluation of projects and programmes in accordance with IFAD rules, guidelines and procedures
1996-2004 Commissioner for Agriculture, Research and Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Cooperatives, Zanzibar, Tanzania
The Commission of Research and Extension is the largest department under the Ministry of Agriculture in Zanzibar. The core mandate is to coordinate intervention of research and extension aimed at holistically tackling the major production constraints confronting small-scale farmers, notably the lack of appropriate technologies and the absence of effective farmer organisations.
1981-1996 (Study leave inclusive) Deputy Project Coordinator, National Coconut Development Programme, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Natural Resources, Zanzibar, Tanzania
The National Coconut Development Programme was a United Republic of Tanzania strategic intervention aimed at improving coconut production of smallholder farmers of the coastal belt of Tanzania. The intervention was largely based on introduction of improved coconut variety, pest and disease control, introduction of value addition to coconut products and by-products and improve on coconut farming systems. The programme was jointly financed by the government of Zanzibar, the World Bank and GTZ (German Corporation for Technical Cooperation). As deputy project coordinator, I was responsible in providing executive leadership for the Zanzibar subcomponent of the programme.
- Professional skills: Participatory planning together with formulation, facilitation, coordination, supervision, monitoring and evaluation
- Management of multi-disciplinary smallholder development programmes (rural finance, marketing, and crop/livestock production)
- In-house training has been received in various areas, including: management, gender issues, human rights based approaches, donor approaches in microfinance, strengthening management for impact, professional writing skills for business and administration, project proposal writing and negotiation skills, project supervision and participatory methodologies
- Institution building at all levels
- Planning, implementation and supervision support to programmes and projects involved in poverty reduction to rural poor
- Experienced in the organisation of technical meetings, seminars and workshops as part of the participatory planning process
- Experienced in conducting complex negotiations for multi-lateral loan agreements
- Preparation and appraisal of agricultural and rural development projects, with institutional and organisational arrangement, implementation, support and supervision
- Research into defined areas of agricultural production to fill knowledge gaps in the production chain; to increase the capacity of rural small-scale producers; soil fertility and productivity assessments and rural development issues
- Member of the advisory board of Farm Radio International (2021)
- Chair of Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) – an NGO to assist young girls to finish education (2015-present)
- Member of the advisory board of the Tanzania Meteorological Agency, United Republic of Tanzania (2000-2015)
- Participated in the dialogue for preparation of MKUKUTA (National Strategy for Economic Growth & Poverty Reduction Programme)
- Participated in the preparation of the Zanzibar Agriculture Policy
- Participated in the harmonisation of seed policy for the East African Community
- Participated in a round table discussion of SIDA development area seminar on climate change, food security and poverty reduction, Stockholm, Sweden (September 2007)
- Participated in the formulation of the Agricultural Sector Development Programme for Mainland Tanzania (2004-2006)
- Member of the Executive Committee of the Commission of Science & Technology, United Republic of Tanzania (1996-2004)